Get to know Bo100
Are you one of those who often like to stop on Monbijougatan in central Malmö looking up at a facade that is unlike any other house? Or you live or want to live in the house and want to know more about it.
So, this is the site where you can find all you need or want to know of the Bo100 House – it’s history, what it looks like, why not two of the 39 apartments look the same. And why it's called Bo100.
• The house on Monbijougatan 4 in Malmö was completed in 1991 after a multi-year planning process in which the prospective tenants were involved in a creative process deciding what their apartments should look like. It started sometime in the late '80s.
Click here to read the full story of Bo100
• Ivo Waldhör is the architect who wanted to capture people's dreams of a good home. He created Bo100 together with the future tenants.
He is also the creator of the startling facade of the house in central Malmö.
• A look behind the facade. About the specialities in the Bo100 apartments.
• Get in touch with the housing association, Boföreningen Bo100. If you want information, maybe make a study visit or become a member of the housing association and line up for one of the apartments – click for contact!
• All the pictures you didn't see of Bo100 – from all angles, day time, at night, inside, outside. Visit our Gallery!
• And the badger climbing the wall - where does it come into the picture? You get the whole story about the Badger Stairs, Ernst Billgrens famous installation,
• The housing association, Boföreningen Bo100, is renting the entire house from MKB Fastighets AB. Click here to read about what a housing association is and how it works.